Friday, January 13, 2012

A Time For Change

I decided to change the blog just a bit because a little change is good. It's not to my complete liking but I'm rather lazy to learn the CSS codes so this will do for now. And I also changed the blog title as well. I feel that .cacophonic musings encompasses my thoughts and interests more than my former title, which was not personable at all.

What's new for 2012? The biggest thing is I've started the 365 Project, but I have been sick so I haven't uploaded the first few photos of 2012 until now. If you're not familiar with it, it's basically you take a picture every day and then upload it. By taking a picture every day, you can allow yourself to see things from different perspective and to ultimately improve your composition and photographs. Of course, many people garner different experiences from this project, but I hope this will be my experience. You can check out this project at my flickr.