Friday, April 23, 2010

Going Holga

I decided to do it. I got my own Holga. Until yesterday, I didn't even know what a Holga was! It happened accidentally as I was browsing through UrbanOutfitters and I saw the Holga camera. I fell in love with its design so I researched about it and my oh my, it took my breath away. I love the vintage-esque look about the pictures that I can't get from a digital point-and-shoot. And although, I can get photos from a digital camera to resemble a Holga look, but it doesn't have the same texture or lighting that makes a picture truly a Holga.

I was hesitant at first since it would mean going back to film and not being able to delete the mediocre work while keeping the brilliant pieces. However, I decided to take the jump since it seems worthwhile and totally enjoyable.

When I did decide to get one, I was also debating between the Holga 120 and the Holga 135 since Holga 135 would be much cheaper in developing prints. But as I googled the image quality between between the two, it seems that Holga 135 does not have the same vintage style as the Holga 120. The image quality of the 135 looks similar to a cheap digital camera. This may have been just a fluke with those certain photos, but I decided to be safe and go with the 120 since it's the retro effect that I'm aiming for. Of course, I did order the 35mm adapter so I can have the option of shooting 35mm on my Holga 120 as well. My Holga will be coming in at the end of next week so I can't wait!!! =)

This is the model I ordered from BHphoto. I decided to order it from there and not UO, where I had originally saw it, because it was MUCH cheapter at BHphoto ($36 compared to $48 at UO) and they gave free shipping.

(Holga images from Urban Outfitters)

These are some of my favorite Holga photos from the talented Microbai.

These look like big, red, juicy berries that you just want to pop into your mouth.

I love the sky....

What a beautiful path this is, so peaceful and tranquil.

I love the blue in this photo, so light and relaxing.


Hershel K. Waldner said...

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Hershel K. Waldner
B&H Photo, Video, Pro Audio

Trou, .ma petite cherie said...

You're welcome and thanks for mentioning the blog. =)