I got my camera back today, and I have to say, it feels like I have an appendage back. I have missed it so! And the thing is, my brother did not even take it on his trip since he had too much stuff. So I was missing it all this time for nothing.
But nonetheless, Happy Valentine's Weekend! It's not officially Valentine's Day, but this weekend will be when most people celebrate since the 14th is on a Monday, so I would just like to wish everyone a romantic weekend! Valentine's Day can be a little overrated since it's not the only day we show love and appreciation for our significant other but it still matters. We cannot skip it. No can do. And when you give a gift, it's not about what you would like to have as a gift, but what the other person actually likes and/or wants. That is true giving.
The last two years haven't been great Valentine's so hopefully this year will be better. It's not even like I want an expensive gift or anything, but something that is romantic and sweet and will melt my heart. For example, a scrapbook of how we met or note cards posted around the house of why he loves me. Is that so difficult to do? Why are a lot of good men lacking in the romance department? Cause it's a sure way to show your love and to receive love. Of course, women can lack romantically as well, but from my experience and observations, men tend to be the ones who are more romantic illiterate. And just a note, but I hate it when my boyfriend asks me, "What do you want for Valentine's Day/your birthday/Christmas because then it's not even special anymore. If he knows me well, he should be able to think of a fabulous gift on his own. I shouldn't have to tell him what would make me deliriously happy.
Romance is important because I believe it is human nature to want to love and be loved because we are social creatures. It's nice to know and feel that someone loves and appreciates you for who you are, as cliche as that might sound. So, if you are lacking in the romance department, work on it (as I always tell my boyfriend).
So once again, have a fabulous Valentine's weekend and hopefully I'll hear a lot of romantic stories next week. ^___^